replica Rolex Yacht-Master 268655

Rolex Women Replica Yacht-Master 268655 37MM

Rolex added two interesting new members to Yacht-Master in 2015. They have the same appearance, but different sizes. One is the 40MM men’s watch Yacht-Master 116655. The other is the 37MM female replica Rolex Yacht-Master 268655, which is also the protagonist of this article.


Rolex Yacht-Master 268655 replica

Yacht-Master is actually higher than Submariner. Because it uses precious metals from birth. This also means that the Yacht-Master is more expensive than Submariner. Yacht-Master watches are for those who really own luxury yachts. This Woman’s replica watch, launched in 2015, uses expensive 18k Everose gold. Everose Rolex’s own unique rose gold alloy will not fade over time. The 37MM case, crown, and buckle use this expensive material. The golden oyster case gives Yacht-Master 268655 a water-resistant depth of 100 meters.


Rolex Yacht-Master 268655 fake

Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 268655 has a classic dial, the black Maxi dial. Most notably, it has a black matte bezel. Unlike Submariner’s smooth Cerachrom black ceramic bezel, the Yacht-Master 268655 has deep embossed numbers and graduations. To match the bezel, the dial is also matte. Frosted dials rarely appear on modern Rolex sports watches. But I think the Yacht-Master 268655 looks cooler and more readable.


Rolex replica Yacht-Master 268655

The 40MM Yacht-Master 116655 uses NO. 3135 movement. The Submariner Date watch also uses this movement. But replica Rolex Yacht-Master 268655 uses a completely different movement, the new NO.2236 movement. NO.2236 movement has a short amount of history because it debuted in 2014. This movement is specially designed for Rolex women’s watches. In the future, we will find NO.2236 movement in more 37MM Rolex watches. The new Oysterflex bracelet is described in the article introducing replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655, which will not be repeated here.

Prior to 2015, everyone believed Rolex sports watches had a steel case and bracelet. But after seeing replica Rolex Yacht-Master 268655, we know that Rolex sports watch will have a metal case and Oysterflex bracelet. Overall, it is still a beautifully-looking Rolex sports watch. You can buy this perfect replica watches in