replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655

Replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 With Rose Gold

Because of the popularity of Submariner, Rolex Yacht-Master is often ignored. And the update speed of the Yacht-Master is very slow. Rolex has always made reliable watches. The brand has been steadily improving. In recent years, Rolex Yacht-Master has added two impressive watches, one male watch replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 and one female watch 268655. Next, let’s review this men’s watch.

replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655


The most special thing about replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 is that it has a black rubber strap. This is the first time Rolex has used a rubber strap. Let’s look at why Rolex uses the innovative rubber strap. From the outside, you can only see the soft rubber. But the strap is made of sheet metal. So rubber strap is not only flexible, comfortable, but also very reliable.

18CT Everose

Rolex replica Yacht-Master 116655

We all know that the Rolex brand likes to use precious metals on watches. This replica Rolex watch is no exception. It uses 18ct Everose. So this watch is not cheap. You can see 18ct Everose on the outer ring of the case and ring. In addition, the time mark and pointer are also wrapped by precious metal.


The men’s replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 has a 40mm case. Women’s 268655 is 37mm. Both replica watches have a cerachrom black ceramic bezel. The surface of the watch ring has been sanded. Numbers and scales are convex and have a three-dimensional feel. Hard work is very clear, so we can easily read for up to 60 minutes.

Clock Dial

Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 replica

The dial of replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 is another important factor. The dial uses the same black color as the bezel and strap. The design of the dial is simple and clear. The time scale uses different shapes instead of numbers. There is a cyclops at three o’clock. Even underwater, the wearer can read the date and time clearly. Under the dial is NO.3135 movement. No.3135 has blue parachrom in the core.

This replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 watch has a luxurious but low profile design. This watch is a luxurious yacht. So its appearance is simple but symbolic. If you want to buy a Rolex watch with a rubber strap, replica Rolex Yacht-Master 116655 is the best choice.